Important note: Due to coverage yesterday of the debate for the New York City Democratic mayoral primary, this game will air on Friday, June 4 in New York City. If you are in New York, yesterday’s game airs tonight.
Happy Thursday! Through yesterday’s game, $66,502 has been donated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the category 17th Century Frenchmen) for Thursday, June 3, 2021 (Season 37, Game 179):
Pope Urban VIII once said, “If there is a God,” this French minister “will have much to answer for. If not, he had a successful life”
(correct response beneath the contestants)
Today’s contestants:
Julia Markham Cameron, an attorney from Brooklyn, New York |
Grace Jeffrey, a global health environmental science graduate from Virginia Beach, Virginia |
John Alba Cutler, an English professor from Wilmette, Illinois (1-day total: $19,700) |
Andy’s Pregame Thoughts: John picked up nearly $20,000 for his win yesterday. The prediction model doesn’t really like his chances to win a second game; however, if he can improve on his average performance on the signalling device, he’ll be well-positioned today.
PSA: The best way to keep COVID-19 at bay (and keep Jeopardy! producing new episodes) is for everybody to get their vaccinations as soon as they are able to. When wearing a mask, ensure that your mask covers both your nose and your mouth.
Are you going on the show and looking for information about how to bet in Final Jeopardy? Check out my new Betting Strategy 101 page!
I recently updated my tournament wildcard models with as much tournament data that I’ve been able to find! If you’re playing in a tournament, you’ll want to check this out!
(Content continues below)
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Correct response: Who is Cardinal Richelieu?
Did you know that you can now find game-by-game stats of everyone, now including Jason Zuffranieri and James Holzhauer, who has won 10 or more games on Jeopardy!, here on the site?
More information about Final Jeopardy: (The following write-up is original content and is copyright 2021 The Jeopardy! Fan. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.)
Cardinal Richelieu was a well-known French clergyman who served as Louis XIII’s chief minister between 1624 and 1642. However, he alienated many over the course of his life and was seen as very much an autocrat. Pope Urban VIII was not a fan of Richelieu, leading to the comment quoted in today’s clue.
Due to the time period in which the work was set, he figures prominently in the plot of Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers.
We have many new offerings at The Jeopardy! Fan Online Store! Proceeds from the sale of the “Doctor Oz’s Fast-Acting Snake Oil Elixir” T-shirt are being donated to The Trevor Project:
Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! today? Tonight’s results are below!
Scores going into Final:
Julia $16,200
John $5,000
Grace $3,800
Tonight’s results:
Grace $3,800 + $1,900 = $5,700 (Who is Cardinal Richilieu?)
John $5,000 + $4,999 = $9,999 (Who was Richilieu?)
Julia $16,200 + $250 = $16,450 (Who is Cardinal Richilieu?) (1-day total: $16,450)
Scores after the Jeopardy! Round:
Julia $5,400
John $3,000
Grace $1,800
Opening break taken after: 15 clues
Daily Double locations:
1) 8-LETTER WORDS $600 (clue #3)
Grace 400 +400 (John 0 Julia 200)
2) NOBEL PRIZE ODDITIES $2000 (clue #15)
John 7000 -2000 (Grace 3800 Julia 12200)
3) 20th CENTURY BOOKS & AUTHORS $1600 (clue #19, $15600 left on board)
Julia 14600 -2000 (John 5000 Grace 3400)
Overall Daily Double Efficiency for this game: -2
Unplayed clues:
J! Round: None!
DJ! Round: NEXT IN LINE $2000 STARTS & ENDS WITH “H” $2000
Total Left On Board: $4,000
Number of clues left unrevealed this season: 191 (1.07 per episode average), 2 Daily Doubles
Game Stats:
Julia $18,200 Coryat, 23 correct, 3 incorrect, 41.82% in first on buzzer (23/55), 2/2 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities)
John $7,000 Coryat, 13 correct, 4 incorrect, 27.27% in first on buzzer (15/55), 0/1 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities)
Grace $4,000 Coryat, 9 correct, 3 incorrect, 16.36% in first on buzzer (9/55), 1/2 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities)
Combined Coryat Score: $29,200
Lach Trash: $11,000 (on 11 Triple Stumpers)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $9,800
John Alba Cutler, career statistics:
34 correct, 8 incorrect
3/5 on rebound attempts (on 14 rebound opportunities)
28.83% in first on buzzer (32/111)
1/3 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: -$1,000)
2/2 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $8,900
Grace Jeffrey, career statistics:
10 correct, 3 incorrect
1/2 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities)
16.36% in first on buzzer (9/55)
1/1 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $400)
1/1 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $4,000
Julia Markham Cameron, career statistics:
24 correct, 3 incorrect
2/2 on rebound attempts (on 4 rebound opportunities)
41.82% in first on buzzer (23/55)
0/1 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: -$2,000)
1/1 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $18,200
Julia Markham Cameron, to win:
2 games: 49.353%
3: 24.357%
4: 12.021%
5: 5.933%
6: 2.928%
Avg. streak: 1.974 games.
Andy’s Thoughts:
- Thus far, $85,952 has been donated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
- While it should probably be incumbent upon players to remember the rule, the host (and by extension, guest host) should remind players of the maximum Daily Double wager if they have less than the maximum. Players can often get nervous and forget.
Contestant photo credit:
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