The origins and meanings of Ashkenazic last names (2024)

Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names. Some German speaking Jews took last names as early as the 17th century, but the overwhelming majority of Jews lived in Eastern Europe and did not take last names until compelled to do so.

  • By Jewish Journal
  • Published January 13, 2014


Jewish Journal

January 13, 2014

Ashkenazic Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names. Some German speaking Jews took last names as early as the 17th century, but the overwhelming majority of Jews lived in Eastern Europe and did not take last names until compelled to do so. The process began in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1787 and ended in Czarist Russia in 1844.

In attempting to build modern nation states, the authorities insisted that Jews take last names so that they could be taxed, drafted and educated (in that order of importance). For centuries, Jewish communal leaders were responsible for collecting taxes from the Jewish population on behalf of the government and in some cases were responsible for filling draft quotas. Education was traditionally an internal Jewish affair.

Until this period, Jewish names generally changed with every generation. For example if Moses son of Mendel (Moyshe ben Mendel) married Sarah daughter of Rebecca (Sora bas Rifke), had a boy and named it Samuel (Shmuel), he would be called Shmuel ben Moyshe. If they had a girl and named her Feygele, she would be called Feygele bas Moyshe.

Jews distrusted the authorities and resisted the new requirement. Although they were forced to take last names, at first they were used only for official purposes. Among themselves, they kept their traditional names. Over time, Jews accepted their new last names, which were essential as they sought to advance within the broader society, and as the shtetls themselves became more modern, or Jews left them for big cities.

The easiest way for Jews to assume an official last name was to adapt the name they already had, making it permanent. This explains the use of “patronymics.”

PATRONYMICS (son of…..)

In Yiddish or German, it would be “son” or “sohn” or “er”

In most Slavic languages like Polish or Russian, it would be “vich” or “vitz” ), anglicized to “wich” or “witz).

For example: the son of Mendel took the last name Mendelsohn; the son of Abraham became Abramson or Avromovitch; the son of Menashe became Manishewitz; the son of Itzhak became Itskowitz; the son of Kesl took the name Kessler, etc.


Reflecting the prominence of Jewish women in business, some families made last names out of women’s first names:

Chaiken—son of Chaikeh

Dvorkin–from Dvora

Edelman—husband of Edel

Frumkin–from Frume

Gittelman—husband of Gitl

Glick or Gluck—may derive from Glickl, a popular woman’s name as in the famous “Glickl of Hameln,” whose memoirs, written around 1690, are an early example of Yiddish literature

Gold/Goldman/Gulden may derived from Golda

Malkov/Malkin—from Malke

Leaman/Lehman–husband of Leah

Pearlman—husband of Perl

Rivken—from Rivke

Soronsohn—son of Sarah


The next most common source of Jewish last names is probably place names. Jews used the town or region where they lived—or more likely where their families came from—as their last name, reflecting the Germanic origins of most East European Jews.

“Ashkenazi” itself a Jewish last name and there is a famous Yiddish novel by I.J. Singer, the older brother of I.B. Singer, called The Brothers Ashkenazi, set in Poland.

Asch—acronym for towns of Aisenshtadt or Altshul or Amshterdam



Berger—generic for townsman

Berg (man)—from a hilly pace

Bayer—from Bavaria


Berlin—Berliner, Berlinsky









Dreyfus—from Trier, in Latin Treves



Frankel—from Franconia, region of Germany



Gordon—from Grodno, Lithuania or from the Russian word gorodin, for townsman


Halperin—from Helbronn, Germany


Heller—from Halle, Germany

Hollander—not from Holland, but from town in Lithuania settled by Dutch

Horowitz, Hurwich, Gurevitch—from Horovice in Bohemia


Krakauer—from Cracow, Poland


Lipsky—from Leipzig, Germany

Litwak—from Lithuania

Minsky—from Minsk, Belarus

Mintz—from Mainz, Germany


Ostreicher—from Austria

Pinsky—from Pinsk, Belarus

Posner—from Posen, Germany

Prager—from Prague

Rappoport—from Porto, Italy

Rothenberg—from then town of the red fortress in Germany

Shapiro—from Speyer, Germany

Schlesinger—from Silesia, Germany


Unger—from Hungary

Vilner—from Vilna, Poland/Lithuania

Wallach—from Bloch, derived from the Polish word for foreigner

Warshauer/Warshavsky—from Warsaw

Wiener—from Vienna








Cooper/Cooperman—barrel maker or coppersmith









Goldsmith —goldsmith


Kastner—cabinet maker


Kramer–store keeper


Nagler—nail maker






Spielman—player (musician)

Stein/Steiner/Stone—jeweler (but more likely invented “fancy shmancy” names)

Wasserman—water carrier


Garfinkel/Garfunkel—diamond dealer

Holtzman/Holtz/Waldman—timber dealer


Rokeach—spice merchant

Salzman—salt merchant

Seid/Seidman—silk merchant

Tabachnik—snuff seller

Tuchman—cloth merchant

Wachsman—wax dealer

Wollman—wool merchant

Zucker/Zuckerman—sugar merchant



Feldsher—barber surgeon in military service

Related to garment work or tailoring


Nadelman/Nudelman—also tailor from “needle’

Sher/Sherman—also tailor from “scissors” or “shears”

Presser/Pressman—clothing presser



Wechsler/Halphan—money changer

Related to liquor trade



Kabakoff/Kreuger/Krieger/Vigoda—tavern keeper

Geffen—wine merchant

Wine/Weinglass—wine merchant

Weiner—wine maker


Ackerman- plowman

Hoffman–estate manager


Altshul/Altshuler—associated with the old synagogue in Prague

Cantor/Kazan/Singer/Spivack—cantor or song leader in shul


Gottlieb–God lover

Haver—from haver (court official)

Klausner—rabbi for small congregation

Klopman—calls people to morning prayers by knocking on their windows


Rabin—rabbi (Rabinowitz—son of rabbi)

Lamden/London—scholar from the Hebrew lamden

Reznick—ritual slaughterer



Schechter/Schachter/Shuchter etc.—ritual slaughterer from Hebrew schochet



Spector—inspector or supervisor of schools



Dreyfus—three legged, perhaps referring to someone who walked with a cane



Gottleib—God lover, perhaps also referring to someone devout

Geller/Gelb/Gelber—yellow, perhaps referring to someone with blond hair


Gruber—coarse or vulgar






Koenig—king, perhaps someone who was chosen as a “Purim King,” in reality a poor wretch

Krauss—curly, as in curly hair




Roth/Rothman—red head

Roth/Rothbard—red beard

Shein/Schoen/Schoenman—pretty, handsome

Schwartz/Shwartzman/Charney—black hair or dark complexion

Scharf/Scharfman—sharp, i.e intelligent

Stark—strong, from the Yiddish shtark

Springer—lively person, from the Yiddish springen for jump

Sussking/Ziskind—sweet child

Weiss/Weissbard–white hair/ beard


These were sometimes foisted on Jews who discarded them as soon as possible, but a few remain:





It is common among all peoples to take last names from the animal kingdom.


eagle –Adler (may derive from reference to an eagle in Psalm 103:5)

camel—Gelfand/Helfand (technically means elephant but was used for camel too)










Hirschhorn–deer antlers


Rothschild—red shield




Strauss—ostrich or bouquet of flowers


Some Jews either retained or adopted traditional Jews names from the Bible.

The big two

Cohen– Cohn, Kohn, Kahan, Kahn, Kaplan, Kagan

Levy—Levi, Levine, Levinsky, Levitan, Levenson, Levitt, Lewin, Lewinsky, Lewinson

Others from the Bible

Aaron—Aronson/ Aronoff









Mayer/Meyer (Talmudic, not Biblical)








Baron—bar aron (son of Aaron)

Beck–bene kedoshim (descendant of martyrs)

Getz—gabbai tsedek (righteous synagogue official)

Katz—kohen tsedek (righteous priest)

Metz–moreh tsedek (teacher of righteousness

Sachs/Saks—zera kodesh shemo (his name descends from martyrs)

Segal/Siegel—se gan levia (assistant Levite)

Shub/Shoub–shochet u'bodek (ritual slaughter/kosher meat inspector)


Leyb means “lion” in Yiddish. It is the root of many Ashkenazic last names including Liebowitz, Lefkowitz, Lebush and Leon. It is the Yiddish translation of the Hebrew work for lion—aryeh. The lion was the symbol of the tribe of Judah.

Hirsch means “deer” or “stag” in Yiddish. It is the root of many Ashkenazic last names including Hirschfeld, Hirschbein/Hershkowitz (son of Hirsch)/Hertz/Herzl, Cerf, Hart and Hartman. It is the Yiddish translation of the Hebrew word for gazelle—tsvi. The gazelle was the symbol of the tribe of Naphtali.

Taub means “dove” in Yiddish. It is the root of the Ashkenazic last name Tauber. The symbol of The dove is associated with the prophet Jonah.

Wolf is the root of the Ashkenazic last names Wolfson, Wouk and Volkovich. The wolf was the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin.


Eckstein—Yiddish for cornerstone, derived from Psalms 118:22

Good(man)—Yiddish translation of Hebrew word for “good”–tuviah

Margolin—Hebrew for pearl

Jaffe/Yaffe–Hebrew for beautiful


When Jews were required to assume last names, some chose the nicest ones they could think of and may have been charged a registration fee by the authorities.

According to the YIVO Encyclopedia, “the resulting names often were associated with nature and beauty. It is very plausible that the choices were influenced by the general romantic tendencies of German culture at that time.”

Applebaum—pear tree

Birnbaum—pear tree

Buchsbaum—box tree

Kestenbaum—chestnut tree

Kirshenbaum—cherry tree

Mandelbaum—almond tree

Nussbaum—nut tree

Tannenbaum—fir tree

Teitelbaum—palm tree

other “baum” names

Names with these combinations were also chosen or purchased:

Blumen (flower)

Fein (fine) often combined with:

Gold “berg” for hill or mountain, “thal” for valley,

Green “bloom” for flower, “zweig” for branch, “blatt”

Lowen (lion) for leaf, “vald” or “wald” for woods, “feld”

Rosen (rose) for field, “farb” for color, “stein” for stone

Schoen/Schein (pretty)

Other aesthetically pleasing names








Sender/Saunders—from Alexander

Kelman/Kalman—from the Greek name Kalonymous, popular among Jews in medieval France and Italy. It is the Greek translation of the Hebrew “shem tov” (good name)

Marcus/Marx—from Latin, referring to the pagan god Mars

ANGLICIZED NAMES (or why “Sean Ferguson” was a Jew)

Jewish last names were often changed or shortened by immigrants themselves and their descendants— to sound more “American.” (In rarer cases, immigration inspectors may have accidently changed the names of immigrants by misreading them. )

For example, Cohen to Cowan, Yalowitz to Yale, Rabinowitz to Robbins, as reflected in this ditty:

And this is good old Boston;

The home of the bean and the cod.

Where the Lowells speak only to the Cabots;

And the Cabots speak Yiddish, by God!


What happened to the last names of Ashkenazic Jews who immigrated to pre-state Palestine and to early Israel???

David Green became David Ben Gurion

Abba Meir became Abba Eban

Golda Meyerson became Golda Meir

Amos Klausner became Amos Oz

Syzmon Perski became Shimon Peres

Ariel Scheinerman became Ariel Sharon

Moshe Shertok became Moshe Sharett

Levi Shkolnick became Levi Eshkol

Yitzhak Jeziernicky became Yitzhak Shamir

Why? To distance themselves from Ashkenazic Jewry

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The origins and meanings of Ashkenazic last names (2024)


What ethnicity is the last name Ashkenazi? ›

Ashkenazi (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנַזִּי) is a surname of Jewish origin. The term Ashkenaz (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנַז) refers to the area along the Rhine in Western Europe where diaspora Jews settled and formed communities during the Middle Ages.

How did Ashkenazi Jews get their last names? ›

Before surnames were required, most Ashkenazic Jews were known by a patronym, so it is not surprising that they simply gave their father's given name when asked or forced to choose a fixed surname. This resulted in such surnames as Mendel, Ruben, Solomon, Meir, Moritz, and Gutmann.

Who are the Ashkenazi descended from? ›

Geneticists such as David Goldstein, formerly of University College London and now of Duke University in the United States, have argued that the Ashkenazi communities of central and northern Europe were established by Jewish men who migrated from the Middle East, perhaps as traders, and married women from local ...

Why is Ashkenazi a Sephardic name? ›

The Aish Rabbi Replies

The difference between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews (or Sephardic Jews, Sephardim) is primarily based on their historical origins. Ashkenaz is the Hebrew word for Germany. Thus, the term Ashkenazi Jews initially referred to Jews residing in Germany, where Ashkenazi Jewry began.

What is so special about Ashkenazi Jews? ›

Due to the "founder effect," the genetic makeup of Ashkenazi Jews is comparatively hom*ogenous, making it easier to identify the location of genetic variations. For example, the gene mutations for early-onset ovarian cancer and breast cancer were identified via research done among Ashkenazi women.

What does Ashkenazi mean in the Bible? ›

“Ashkenaz” is one of the most disputed Biblical placenames. It appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name of one of Noah's descendants (Genesis 10:3) and as a reference to the kingdom of Ashkenaz, prophesied to be called together with Ararat and Minnai to wage war against Babylon (Jeremiah 51:27).

Are Ashkenazi Jews related to each other? ›

In this case, it is 30 to 32 generations, or at most 800 years. "[Among Ashkenazi Jews] everyone is a 30th cousin," Pe'er said. "They have a stretch of the genome that is identical."

Why do Ashkenazi Jews live long? ›

Researchers found that among Ashkenazi Jews, those who survived past age 95 were much more likely than their peers to possess one of two similar mutations in the gene for insulinlike growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R).

What is the Ashkenazi naming tradition? ›

Naming Traditions. Ashkenazic Jews of Eastern Europe had a strong tradition that mandated that a baby be named after a deceased relative. It is important to understand that this is a tradition, and is not codified in Jewish law. No evidence of such a tradition appears in the Bible, in which most names are unique.

How do you tell if you are Ashkenazi? ›

A test called an Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) genetic panel can help let you know how likely that is.

What does it mean if I have Ashkenazi DNA? ›

About half of Jewish people around the world today identify as Ashkenazi, meaning that they descend from Jews who lived in Central or Eastern Europe. The term was initially used to define a distinct cultural group of Jews who settled in the 10th century in the Rhineland in western Germany.

What are Ashkenazi genetic diseases? ›

These disorders include cystic fibrosis, Canavan disease, familial dysautonomia, Tay-Sachs disease, Fanconi anemia, Niemann-Pick disease, Bloom syndrome, mucolipidosis type IV, and Gaucher disease, among others.

Is Israel more sephardic or Ashkenazi? ›

About 85 percent of the world's Jews are considered Ashkenazim, the other 15 percent Sephardim. About 10 percent of the world's Ashkenazim live in Israel com- pared with about 80 percent of all Sephardim. The Sephardim make up about 55 percent of Israel's Jewish population and the Ashkenazim about 45 percent.

Is Ashkenazi Hebrew or Yiddish? ›

Ashkenazi Language and Culture

Yiddish, a Germanic language with Hebrew influence, has been historically associated with Ashkenazi Jews. Yiddish served as a key cultural and linguistic marker of Ashkenazi identity.

What percent of Jews are Ashkenazi? ›

Today Ashkenazim (plural for Ashkenazi) constitute more than 80 percent of all the Jews in the world, vastly outnumbering Sephardic Jews. In the early 21st century, Ashkenazi Jews numbered about 11 million.

Who are the famous Ashkenazi Jews? ›

Albert Einstein was an Ashkenazi Jew, as were Gertrude Stein and Carl Sagan. Steven Spielberg and Scarlett Johansson are also Ashkenazi Jews, along with three current members of the U.S. Supreme Court (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan).

What percentage of Israel is Ashkenazi? ›

The Sephardim make up about 55 percent of Israel's Jewish population and the Ashkenazim about 45 percent. Ashkenazim and Sephardim sub- scribe to the same basic tenets of Judaism, but there are differences in matters of ritual, outlook, and interpretation.

Can you tell ethnicity by last name? ›

You can only do so with a rather low degree of certainty, which is to say that you cannot determine it for sure. Some people get married, some get adopted, some use pseudonyms, some legally change their names. Some surnames are hom*onyms across different continents, cultures, and ethnicities, e.g. Lee and Lee.


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