Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2025)

VA TRIP Gary Feb. 24th- Feb. Round Trip Motorcoach 2 Nights Lodging at the BALLYS place ($20 meal coupons) ($30 coin coupons) $140.00 PER PERSON (Double occupancy) For info call (540) 632-6929 2-330 If You See 'SPANKY" today, 4 he really doesn't look this way. 13 He turns 50 TODAY! Lore, Debra, Angela, Amanda, Austin Ashton 2.745 Housing program seeks participants By LES TRACEY Bulletin Staff Writer Henry County officials continue to look for low income residents who need home repairs or renovations, as part of the Sandy Level Housing Rehabilitation Project. "Right now, I'm still sitting on a half million dollars." said Deb Hill.

coordinator of the project. not for people who can afford to go out and do the work themselves. It's for people who CHAD 2 Once vou were little. but now you're grown. Happy Birthday.

You're The BIG 21 Love Mom Ricky Martinsville Physical Therapy Industrial Rehabilitation 433 Commonwealth Boulevard Martinsville. Virginia Having trouble with pain, movement, Getting back to work or those household Then you need to call Our Licensed therapists staff are trained to treat all types of injuries, disorders, post surgical problems varying from neck, back, shoulder, ankle, knees. hips, to carpal tunnel. fibromyalgia, stroke, spinal cord injuries or deconditioned patients. Not only do we take pride in offering individualized exercise programs, we also specialize in soft mobilization techniques for fibromyalgia, chronic pain and patients.

Our on-site heated pool in addition to other modalities (i.e. Ultrasound. electrical stimulation etc.) are utilized to assist patients with exercise programs. pain control and improvement with conditioning. To make an appointment or for further information call (540) 638-4809.

have been laid off or are living on fixed incomes." Three years ago, the county received a $1.3 million grant for housing rehabilitation in the Sandy Level area from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. Since then. 30 houses have been renovated, and Hill said the target is 70 before the pro gram is completed. Sandy Level residents who are low-to-moderate income and are homeowners qualify to receive some renovations that will bring the houses in compliance with federal housing standards. Hill held a community meeting Tuesday at St.

John's Baptist Church to get information to residents about how to apply for funds and to dispel rumors about the program. Specifically, she told the 30 people who attended that the county will not repossess the houses once the rehabilitation is done. even if the homeowner cannot make any payments towards the loan. The program secures loans for the renovations, and half the loan is forgiven immediately when a homeowner qualifies. The other halfeither is entire ly or partially deferred.

with some payment made by the owner based on his or her ability to pay. not out to repossess your house," Hill said during the meeting. "In the event of your (death), the county will not take your house. There's some misinformation being spread about that." Joe Keen, president of the Concerned Citizens of Sandy Level organization, said he understood the concerns of Boy DALE assaulted (AP) An in bathroom mall bathroom Alexandria man is being held mall. A without bond on charges he sexually assaulted a boy in a Have About Questions on In Jesus Christ? It's the Call Way Ministry or write: 276-638-1850 A It's The War Ministry PO.

Box Muransville, Va. 24115 BODY 945AM SAT. 2-508 MINISTER. BAILEY PENN Prince William County police said the 14 year old was in a bathroom in the Neighborhood 5 section of the mall at about 6 p.m. Monday.

As he was leaving a stall, a man whom police identified as Girma Genemo allegedly forced him back inside and attacked him. A mall security guard 011 routine patrol interrupted the attack and arrested Genemo. 41. The victim was not identified. but authorities said he is from North Carolina.

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059130 $1,000 Cash or Trade, 72 mos. 6.79 APR, FC $2.202.50. T.O.P. $10,000 Doss not include $110.50 doc. tee or tax tags.

OAC "Local People Taking Care Of Local People" Barrow 833 S. Van Buren Road Eden, NC Fast. Ralph (Across from WALMART) It Automobiles, Inc. Local 336-623-3115 29211 Toll Free 1-877-244-6864 Pontiac-Buick-GMC-Trucks 11 Make It Lass! 11 Make It We Make It It Make It some residents who refused help with their houses. "There have been developers come through here who put siding or windows on a house.

and the next thing you know. they own it." he said. "But this program operates on contracts. and the contracts bind them the county) as well as you (the homeowner)." Residents at the meeting also heard a presentation about fire safety from Mike Hudson. assistant fire marshal for Henry County.

Hudson explained how and where to install smoke detectors. and what to do in case of house fires. thill said the presentation helps make residents aware of fire safety. because many of the houses 111 that area use kerosene heaters and do not have smoke detectors, Delays (Continued From Page I-1) are projects being shelved. being curtailed allover the industry." Cogentrix.

based in Charlotte. V. C. announced in July 2000 it intended to invest $400 million to $600 million to) build a 1.100 megawatt. natural gas fueled power plant in Axton.

At time. construction was expected to begin by the fall of 2001 the plant was expected to operating by the fall of 2003. Those plans changed August. with cost estimates the plant rising to $50 million and a one year delay in the struction, providing the mits were in place on time. according to Bulletin reports.

Any delay is far from a tainty. however. A public hearing on the project is set for 7 (ll March 11 at the Axion Mid. die School. Hall said.

Market factors affecting Cogentrix's ability to start building this summer include forward pricing of clectricity and the tus of capital markets. Freeman said The forward pricing of tricity is based on market demand, Freeman said. added that the pricing outlook is not as strong as it has been the past. Enron's financial troubles have created questions about public contidence in the energy industry. which in turn makes investors cautions about putting their money into a potentially troubled portfolio.

Freeman said. However. Cogentrix's power marketed in long term tracts. Freeman said. making less susceptible to market tuations.

He anticipated that ground- "There were five fires in Sandy Level in the last three wears." she said. That's not small fires. That's fires where it burned the house to the ground. That's stoo many for this small of a community." She said some renovations include installing central heating that runs on gas. But it does not always help.

because often homeowners do not have money to replace the gas when it runs out, she added. When that happens. they often gO back to using unsafe kerosene and space heaters. At the meeting. Hill talked about budgeting money for gas throughout the wear and restocking during the summer when prices are down.

"We can spend a fortune fixing up your house. but when we're done. it's sup to you to maintain it." she said. breaking on the Aston site could occur between the latter part of this sear and possibly a veal from now. certification application and requests for environmental permits are in review.

Freeman said. Henry County spokesman Tim Hall said Tuesday that the Cogentris delay will have 110 impact on the county's budget. "The tax money is welcome. but it certainly isn't budgeted or anything." Hall said. "If it COmICS.

we'll be excited. If it's delayed a sear. we'll deal with that. too. Construction on the Cinergy plantalso wasexpected to begin in late 2002, with energy pro duction at the proposed 330 megawatt, natural gas fueled plant scheduled to commence by June 2003, according to the plant's announcement 111 December 2000.

Govos said he hopes to have the permitting process COIlpleted by the end of March. and construction could begin as soon asJanuary 2003. However. ifthe State Corporation Commission asks for a review of the certifi cate. it could set back the project by another six months, ho added.

We think we can still be 011 the schedule, but we might be delased a little but." Govos said. "The economic situation hasn't helped us any. Ifthe dounturns in national economics are still there. it might be delased." Tom Harmed. Martmsville's economic desclopment director.

said the project is on course. "Icantell son Cinergy is stayingin contact with me on almost a weekly basis." Harned said. "They're looking for strategic partners to help finance the pro jeet." STANLEYTOWN, VA. SPECIALS GOOD THURSDAY THRU KERS SATURDAY SUPERMARKET WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BONELESS ROAST CHUCK ROAST LB. $189 SHOULDER ROAST $199 GROUND BEEF LB.



Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2025)


Who is Martinsville, VA named after? ›

The city of Martinsville, Virginia, was named after Revolutionary War General and pioneer Joseph Martin, who first settled in the area in 1773.

Is Martinsville, VA a good place to live? ›

Martinsville, VA is a good place to live when considering state and local taxes. The city imposes a sales tax of 5.3% on goods and services, which is lower compared to some other cities in Virginia.

What is the ethnicity of Martinsville, Virginia? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Martinsville, VA are Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (44.3%), White (Non-Hispanic) (42.6%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.78%), Other (Hispanic) (2.48%), and White (Hispanic) (1.96%).

What is the crime rate in Martinsville? ›

Martinsville Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes52289
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.7921.06

How much does it cost to live in Martinsville Virginia? ›

The cost of living in a certain city takes into account both the price of rent and the price of a home. The average monthly rent in Martinsville is $1,256, while home prices circle around $337,109.

How far is Martinsville VA from the beach? ›

Yes, the driving distance between Martinsville to Virginia Beach is 243 miles. It takes approximately 5h 4m to drive from Martinsville to Virginia Beach.

Who was General Joseph Martin in Virginia? ›

Joseph Martin, Jr. (1740–1808) was a brigadier general in the Virginia militia during the American Revolutionary War, in which Martin's frontier diplomacy with the Cherokee people is credited with not only averting Indian attacks on the Scotch-Irish American and English American settlers who helped win the battles of ...

Was Colonel Martin in the Revolutionary War? ›

With the outbreak of the American Revolution, Martin entered into the war effort. He served as a first lieutenant with the Seventh Company and later attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Martin also had a successful political career.

Who was Orange county Virginia named after? ›

Orange County's history dates back to the mid-eighteenth century when it was named after William IV, Prince of Orange, according to this proclamation from 1734.

Who was Prince William County VA named after? ›

Prince William County was named for William Augustus, duke of Cumberland and third son of George II. It was formed from Stafford and King George counties in 1730. The area is 337 square miles, and the county seat is Manassas. The population is 280,813 according to the 2000 census.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.