Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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SATURDAY JUNE 29 PAGE 4 LEXINGTON LEADER FINISH CONSTRUCTION COLUMBUS STANDARD OF THE WORLD FATHER KELLEY Delivers an Interesting Lecture On American MISS CLASS The subject considered Friday morning was Purpose of Sunday-school Work With the Youngest Children' Miss Burton holds that Information alone Is not the purpose of Sunday-school work in any department Much Information when not cared for and not applied may lead a child to become self-conscious hypocritical and irreverent Dr Stalker has said: "It is one thing to know the law and another thing to obey it but It is obeying not knowing which is We may then say that tho purpose or aim of any moral ethical or religious work with children or grown persons is to inspire them with right desires and direct them so that the desires will find expression in right action When we realize that Impression results in feeling that feeling shows Itself in action this dignities the impressions which are constantly giving the little ones digestible truth inspiring the child with right desires drawing from him expression of right desires through his self-actlvlity and leading him to realize his responsibility let us work for a practical Christianity for child-nature which it can appreciate and exemplify that the little ones may be no longer bewildered herears but happy lovers of the good and SMITH a7MssH in a Shirt Waist Season GOOD PERCALE WAISTS all sizes 25c EACH 1 BETTER PERCALE WAISTS 50c 75c 100 and 150 GOOD QUALITY WHITE WAISTS witfi two rows inserting and very cheap at 75c but we put them at 50c BETTER ONES 100 125 150 200 and Z25' ONE LOT LINEN SKIRTS 25e EACH 9 BIG REDUCTION ON TAILOR-MADE SUITS jo PiII(Elh)(3IF None Like The Yet All Like The USE WEAR STYLES Can be seen in our Repository Visit us Write us SMITH Gf 7 West Main Streets WATKINS and S3 Cast Short Street imimillllUJ BYRNS THE Office No 5 Short Street Phone 274 i FALLSBRANCH JELLICO VIRGINIA KENTUCKY COAL ANTHRACITE HAY CORN AND OATS Warehouse and Third arid Georgetown Phone 87 American investment Co INCORPORATED) 11 CHEAPSIDE LEXINGTON KY Issues Weekly and Monthly Contracts Total Paid Coupon 02QQ 00000 SUNDAY AT CHAUTAUTUA Today was Day at Chau tauqua The chief feature was the lecture this afternoon at 2:30 on American Volunteer" by Rev Father Francis Kelley of Lapeer Mich Father Kelley was a chaplain during the Spanlsh-Amprican war and the lecture this afternoon was given up principally to the relations of his many experiences during the war times Jahu DeWItt Miller conducted1 the Question and Answer Drawer on the auditorium at 11 this morning an exercise that always affords Interest and entertainment At 4 this afternoon Mrs Olivia Sanger Hall of New York City will give Interpretive' readings! on Henry to those who- gather about the Round Table Tonight Miss Sibyl Sammls of New York! makes her first appearance as soloist Mies Sammls is very popular here The Imperial Handbell Ringers Miss Donna Adair and the Kentucky Colonels Quartette will appear the concert being followed by the story of Joan of Arc told in moving Vitagraph pictures Tomorrow the grounds will be closed to visitors the assembly talent being divided among the different churches THE MORNING HOUR Personality of was the subject of Mr lecture during the morning hour today Mr Gordon said in substance: All truth goes in in pairs Emphasis has been put on these morning talks on surrender to Jesus as Master That word surrender tells only one side of the transaction one side There is another his side to whom the surrender la made The companion word to surrender la mastery Mastery here means control guidance responsibility concern A surrendered heart is a filled heart-filled with the presence of the new Master the Holy Spirit' This morning we want to get some idea of the meaning of that word power There are four common words In our language for which I can find no definition life light love and power You can find descriptions but no definitions But this old book of God contains statements regarding them that are simple but profound beyond fathoming light" Him was And In this first chapter of Acts the literal reading Is shal receive power the Holy Spirit That is to say power is a person Not an influence not a sentiment but a person The Holy Spirit living In me is power If restrained hampered by sin or Ignorance or compromise then power restrained not manifest If allowed full sway and swing ah then power limitless abundant will come flushing and flooding the channel ways of life Jesus gave the Spirit a name that last long evening's talk He had with the eleven before the fated Friday Before Jesus came it was said name shall he called Before the spirit came for His new peculiar mission He was named by him who knew Him best will send another That name was meant to tell us what He was to be to us It means literally called alongside to One at your side sympa thetic strong devoted to you to help Wherever you are he is He is there because you are there As really with the business man on the with the student in his work with the housewife absorbed in her duties and cares as really I say with these as with the minister in his study preparing or in his pulpit proclaiming He is there to chide and check to sympathize and soothes to quiet and make strong and wise The Master said comforter That is Jesus was one The Spirit of Jesus another one like Jesus To be to you everything that Jesus was to those disciples and more More because more has been done for us by Jesus and too because Jesus exalted now is more than devoted to you to help Wherever you are he is He is there because you are there As really with the Jesus humiliated That explains the works The spirit In you and me represents the crowned glorified Jesus He is another Jesus He Is Jesus other self successor tsest to do In us what Jesus did for us 'I I 9 t- i NOTES OF CHAUTAUQUA One of the most tastefully arranged and inviting tents on the grounds -Is the headquarters of the Large and airy and beautifully furnished it presents a tempting view indeed while its pyramid of beautiful fragrant flowers concealing the central post is a thing of beauty Mrs Beauchamp and three prominent White RUb boners are in charge'-tar extend a hearty welcome to all friends of the cause The Club tent Is as dainty as fresh and as scrupulously neat as a private drawing room Situated In one of the most Inviting woodland nooks on the grounds it offers welcome rest to visitors and members of the club Miss Burton delights the little people each day by presenting pretty little gifts to the class after using them to demonstrate the lessons DEAD AT 82 MRS CAROLINE ELLIOTT PASSES AWAY AT AN ADVANCED AGE Mrs Caroline Elliott widow of A Elliott who died in 1883 and mother of Mr Elliott died at 1 this afternoon at her home 74 East High street aged 82 Mrs Elliott died of heaii trouble having been a great sufferer and confined to her home for eight weeks She was born In Woodford County KyNuia was a sister of Mr Gill of this citv She was married in Lexington in 1850 and moved into the house in which she died immediately after her marriage Elliott Is her only child Mrs Elliott was a devout member of the Upper Street Baptist Church and one of the organizers of that congregation The funeral services will he held- at the residence tomorrow afternoon at 5 at which Rev Preston Blake pastor of the First Baptist Church will officiate Rev Nowlin pastor of the Upper Street Church being out of the city THE DEATH ROLL MRS WOODHOUSE The funeral services of Mrs Emma -Woodhouse will take place at the Central Christian Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock lire Woodhouse was the widow of the late Robert Woodhouse and mother of Mrs Lena Letcher of Louisville Ky at whose home she died yesterday afternoon Her body will arrive on the Louisville Southern tomorrow at 10:30 a The pall-bearers will be Messrs A De Long Richard Arnspiger Ben Crockett Glenn George Hanco*ck James McFarland Joseph Skaln and McMichael WHOSE FAULT IS IT? Thl failure of responsible persons to place a red light on a large pile of dirt left on North Upper street between Sec-and and Mechanic last night caused an accident A surrey containing three girls and a little boy who had been attending Chautauqua struck the dirt pile which on account cf the dark shadows could not 8e seen and the horse fell breaking the surrey and badly frightening the occupants Some men in the neighborhood patched up the vehicle and started the young people on their twelve-mile journey to their home at Hutchison Station DANGEROUS PLACE TO CLIMB RICHMOND KY June Cy Woods porter at Lawson's saloon had an experience Thursday night which -came near seriously Some time in the small hours of the night he ccficluded so he says to go up into the hallway to take a nap But Instead of going up the usual way he climbed up the awning and proceeded along the cornice until he came to an open window of a room in which Sims the clerk was sleeping When Sims awoke and found a man climbing Into bis window he sprang at the Intruder and gave him a kick which sent him to the pavement feet below arm was broken and he was otherwise badly shaken up Russell Jamison of New Columbus Ky killed a bear on Boones creek while os a fishing trip up the Kentucky LEWIS i i A Hit with our famous beer Is what we iue doing with everyone that tests Its delicious flavor' and strengthening qualities There Is no warm1 weather beverage that can compare with this refreshing drink on a warn day It is not only pleasant to taste but Is in-' vlgorating and wholesome e- a I Brewing Co TOM Decided to Weed- Out His Stable to 8even Horses Before Going East I made entries to the Washington Park stakes I had no idea of coming here to skid Tom Me- Dowell of this city to a Chicago correspondent yesterday told Kelsey at the time that I would give him some suppose you thought that fellow (referring to Allan-a-DAIe) was nothing more than a selling: jocularly interposed a friend replied Mr McDowell- "I thought he was a New York horse and that 1 ought' to cut him loose on the Eastern track But I concluded that I had too many horses to take East 1 had 13 at the time and thought I had' better wait and weed out my stable before going East 1 have since sold given away and turned out until -I have now only- seven At the end of tie Washington Park meeting and perhaps sooner I will take them East' Allan-a-Dale is not engaged In the Futurity or the Manhattan stakes but he Is In the other events for his age They may beat him out then -butt anything that does beat him will have to step JUDGE i a Made Defendant- In a Suit for 11fid0 At ML Sterling- MT STERLING KY June 29--Thos Bigstaff has sued Edward CL Orear Judge cf the Court of Appeals for $11-000 on a settlement They were li partners years ago BIggerstaff is President of the Deposti Bank and a prominent attorney The partnership began In 1888 and the firm had a large practice' until Its dissolution in 1896 Mr White of this city is attorney for Bigstaff Mr Orear Is In the city at tie Beaumont Hotel' and saye -that the salt amounts to nothing as ell settlements were made at the time of the dissolution of the partnership and the money claimed by Bigstaff was paid by Mr Patterson some 10 years ago which was not Included In the partnership at alL It was an individual matter Mr Orear says he has- no fears of the outcome of the suit Judging from the boom literature beg lag sent out the Indications' an that the oil promoters are using soxfie of their product bn their typewriters WANTED TO KILL PRIEST Because He Would Not Marry Her Ag She SaidGoci Intended r-t OWENSBORO KY June Mary Crane fwas arrested here last night while o-her way to the residence of Father iFtzgerald the priest of St Church and one of the most prominent Catholic divines in this part of the State She was going to his residence she stated to kill him because be would not marry her She was placed In jail The woman is about 40 years old A few days ago she went to Henderson and put up at the Hotel Dixon: Yesterday she wrote a letter from the hotel to Fanny 'Wood a Negro woman living In this city in which she told the woman that she and somebody had trapped her and taht she would come here amt would do whatever necked to be done will get you both I will cause you She came here yesterday afternoon from Henderson and went to the home of the Negro womhn and last night started for the house The Negro woman was with her trying to keep her away She said she was going to kill him and told the officers that the priest had promised to meet her at Henderson but failed to meet her that God had willed that they marry that it was a real love affair and she would never be happy without him Father Fitzgerald does not know the woman and never heard of her until a few weeks ago when she wrote a letter to him abounding with professions of love The woman is crazy Muskallonge The king of fresh water fishes may be found in large numbers in many of the lakes of Northern Wisconsin reached by the Wisconsin Central railway and royal sport Is assured the average angler Many other varieties of fish also plentiful For of Summer and other Illustrated booklets address James Pond General Passenger Agent Milwaukee Wis June 22 to 29-July 20 to S7 ji a JUST AS OIL makes machinery easy going and light running so does vrifie screens aud mosquito cbth keep out the files bugs and bats from the parlor bed room and kitchen also from the dining rooml Order by phone or postal card if you come to uie store VAN DEREN HARDWARE CO i si Reserve and Surplus The Latest GEORGETOWN THEVICTOR Her Representative Wins Chautauqua Oratorical Contest With State College Second A Wright of Georgetown College won the Chautauqua Oratorical Contest yesterday afternoon his subject being the Heights There is Liberty" Clarke Tandy representing Kentucky Stae College carried off the second prize of $23 The first prize was $75 Enthusiasm at the grounds was not as STRENGTH Whep you Build you Build for Strength and for Permanency You Must Have the Best Material in order to arrive at that point of excellence w-jch will insure you a satisfactory' snd reliable building We Want You to See Us about LIME SAND CEMENT Or anything In the Building Line We can serve you with the Very Best and We Want to Fill Your Order kandle COAL and are the oldest Cement Pavers in the city JUSTICE CO Phoned 12500000 Designs IN our stock of Furniture We have only standard shapes and styles Beautiful Iron Beds are always desirable See our show window A WHEELER rSI LIMESTONE STREET Phone 431 Lexington Kj high as ft has been In years past neither was there bo large an attendance from the student body The terrific down-pour of rain marred to some extent the wind up of the contest and chilled a good deal of the enthusiasm There were five participants in the contest Kentucky Wesleyan at Win-chesetr being added to the members ot the regular Oratorical Association The program of the contest was as follows: El Poe Smith Richmond Ky Central University Ideal" Usher Bourne Alcorn Stanford Ky Centre College In the Usher A A lllggins Clarke II Tandy Islington Ky Kentucky State College Subject Reign of Usher Wynne Martin A Wright Georgetown Ky (Georgetown College Subject the Heights There Is Usher Kelly Ernest COIe Winchester Ky Kentucky Wesleyan College Subject World of Usherv Louis Hampton The judges of the contest were Dr Gordon of Cleveland Ohio Prof Frank Fox of Columbus Ohio and Prof Fogg of Covington Ky DEAN LEE AN ELK At last night's meeting of Lexington Lodge No 83 Elks among the new petitions for membership received was that cf Dean Baker Lee of Christ Church Cathedral who takes membership with the local Judge by card from the Columbia Tern Ixdge of which he was a member The affiliation of Dean Lee ia received with great pleasure by the local Elks who hold him in (high esteem He is a genial gentleman and has made many friends since his coming to Lexington ont only in his immediate congregation butamong the people of other denominations and the public generally On Friday night next the degrees will be conferred upon several candidates BELT TONIGHT Beginning at 6:30 the electric cars wil nuf the Belt After you ride' around a couple of times transfer to Wcd land Park line and seethe free show Lexington SUES CITY CLERK CHINN WANTS 12460 FOR COPYINQ NAME8 Thomas Hart Acquitted But the Fitzgerald Case Is Again Put Off-- Court News In the Circuit Court today through County Attorney Kimball County Clerk Claude Chinn filed suit against the city of Lexington for $12460 or 2 cents for each name allowed by law for copying the names and places of residence of 6230 persons from the October registration books used at the 1900 November election when the questions of issuing bonds by the city for the erection of a new city hall and the purchase of land for public parks were voted upon HART ACQUITTED Thomas Hart who was charged with shooting at Samuel Young out in the vicinity of Athens was arraigned for trial today in the pourt of'County Judge Bullock and the charge was dismissed on account of the prosecuting witness failing to appear IN COURT Tilford Hedges sent ever from the Police Court on the charge of cutting and wounding Samuel Vitman was today acquitted in the court of Squire Graves The trials of Wesley and Robert Canada charged with cutting aud wounding Conductor James Fitzgerald) on the excursion train last Sunday- was today again continued in this court until July 3 RESIGN3 GUARDIANSHIP James March In the Coupty Court having resigned as guardian for Margaret and Iroy Bailee their estate has been placed In the hands of Public Administrator and Guardian Geo Morgan APPOINTED TRUSTEE John Barkley was today by the County Court appointed trustee for the three daughters of the late Robert Johnson under the will the estate amounting to about $5000 The clipping bureaus are responsible for one-hajf of the swelled heads of (he country.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.