1. [PDF] Lesson 1 Homework 1.5
8 okt 2013 · Explain your thinking: No parallel sides. А. Lesson 2: Find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, and a square as a ...
2. [PDF] Lesson 1 Homework Helper 1.5
They all have 5 straight sides. They all have 5 corners. 124. Lesson 1: Classify shapes based on defining attributes using examples, variants, and non-examples.
3. [PDF] Lesson 1 Problem Set 1.5 - Yonkers Public Schools
Page 1. NYS COMMON CORE MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM. Lesson 1 Problem Set 1.5. Name. 1. Circle the shapes that have 5 straight sides. ㅁ. 2. Circle the shapes that ...
4. [PDF] Grade 1 math day 51.pdf - Yonkers Public Schools
1. Half past 2 o'clock. 10 a. 12. 2. Half past 10 ... Lesson 11 Homework 1.5. Date. 10 b. 12. 10 b. N. 10 b ... 1. Half past 2 o'clock. a. 12. 10. 2. Half past 10 o ...
5. [PDF] Eureka Math™ - Grade 1, Module 5 Teacher Edition - School District U-46
Lesson 1 Homework 1•5. Lesson 1: Classify shapes based on defining attributes using examples, variants, and non-examples. Name. Date. 1. Circle the shapes that ...
6. [PDF] Chapter School-Home - 1 Letter
Here is a sample of how your child will be taught to write numbers in different forms. Vocabulary estimate A number that is close to the exact amount.
7. [PDF] Lesson 5 Homework Helper 1.5
Use your tangram pieces to complete the problems below. Draw or trace to show the parts you used to make the shape. 1. Use 2 triangles to make a ...
5 aug 2013 · Lesson 1 Homework. NYS COMMON CORE ... 24 tenths – 1 one 3 tenths d. 6 ones 7 hundredths – 2.3 ... 1.5 ÷ 3 = b. 6 groups of hundredths is 0.24.