Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (2024)

Circular layout is very useful to represent complicated information. First, itelegantly represents information with long axes or a large amount ofcategories; second, it intuitively shows data with multiple tracks focusing onthe same object; third, it easily demonstrates relations between elements. Itprovides an efficient way to arrange information on the circle and it isbeautiful.

Circos is a pioneer tool widely used for circularlayout representations implemented in Perl. It greatly enhances thevisualization of scientific results (especially in Genomics field). Thus,plots with circular layout are normally named as “circos plot”. Here thecirclize package aims to implement Circos in R. One importantadvantage for the implementation in R is that R is an ideal environment whichprovides seamless connection between data analysis and data visualization.circlize is not a front-end wrapper to generate configuration files forCircos, while completely coded in R style by using R’s elegant statisticaland graphic engine. We aim to keep the flexibility and configurability ofCircos, but also make the package more straightforward to use and enhanceit to support more types of graphics.

In this book, chapters in Part I give detailed overviews of the general circlizefunctionalities. Part II introduces functions specifically designed forvisualizing genomic datasets. Part III gives comprehensive guilds onvisualizing relationships by Chord diagram.

1.1 Principle of design

A circular layout is composed of sectors and tracks. For data in differentcategories, they are allocated into different sectors, and for multiplemeasurements on the same category, they are represented as stacked tracks fromoutside of the circle to the inside. The intersection of a sector and a trackis called a cell (or a grid, a panel), which is the basic unit in a circularlayout. It is an imaginary plotting region for drawing data points.

Since most of the figures are composed of simple graphics, such as points,lines, polygon, circlize implements low-level graphic functions for addinggraphics in the circular plotting regions, so that more complicated graphicscan be easily generated by different combinations of low-level graphicfunctions. This principle ensures the generality that types of high-levelgraphics are not restricted by the software itself and high-level packagesfocusing on specific interests can be built on it.

Currently there are following low-level graphic functions that can be used foradding graphics. The usage is very similar to the functions without circos.prefix from the base graphic engine, except there are some enhancementspecifically designed for circular visualization.

  • circos.points(): adds points in a cell.
  • circos.lines(): adds lines in a cell.
  • circos.segments(): adds segments in a cell.
  • circos.rect(): adds rectangles in a cell.
  • circos.polygon(): adds polygons in a cell.
  • circos.text(): adds text in a cell.
  • circos.axis() ands circos.yaxis(): add axis in a cell.

Following function draws links between two positions in the circle:


Following functions draw high-level graphics:

  • circos.barplot(): draw barplots.
  • circos.boxplot(): draw boxplots.
  • circos.violin(): draws violin plots.
  • circos.heatmap(): draw circular heatmaps.
  • circos.raster(): draw raster images.
  • circos.arrow(): draw circular arrows.

Following functions arrange the circular layout.

  • circos.initialize(): allocates sectors on the circle.
  • circos.track(): creates plotting regions for cells in one single track.
  • circos.update(): updates an existed cell.
  • circos.par(): graphic parameters.
  • prints general parameters of current circular plot.
  • circos.clear(): resets graphic parameters and internal variables.

Thus, theoretically, you are able to draw most kinds of circular figures bythe above functionalities. Figure 1.1 lists severalcomplex circular plots made by circlize. After going through thisbook, you will definitely be able to implement yours.

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (1)

Figure 1.1: Examples by circlize

1.2 A quick glance

Before we go too deep into the details, I first demonstrate a simple examplewith using basic functionalities in circlize package to help you to geta basic idea of how the package works.

First let’s generate some random data. There needs a character vector torepresent categories, a numeric vector of x values and a vectoe of y values.

set.seed(999)n = 1000df = data.frame(sectors = sample(letters[1:8], n, replace = TRUE), x = rnorm(n), y = runif(n))

First we initialize the circular layout. The circle is split into sectorsbased on the data range on x-axes in each category. In following code, df$xis split by df$sectors and the width of sectors are automatically calculatedbased on data ranges in each category. Be default, sectors are positionedstarted from \(\theta = 0\) (in the polar coordinate system) and go along the circleclock-wisely. You may not see anything after running following code because notrack has been added yet.

library(circlize)circos.par("track.height" = 0.1)circos.initialize(df$sectors, x = df$x)

We set a global parameter track.height to 0.1 by the option functioncircis.par() so that all tracks which will be added have a default height of0.1. The circle used by circlize always has a radius of 1, so a height of0.1 means 10% of the circle radius. In later chapters, you can find how to set theheight with physical units,

Note that the allocation of sectors only needs values on x direction (oron the circular direction), the values on y direction (radical direction) will be usedin the step of creating tracks.

After the circular layout is initialized, graphics can be added to the plot ina track-by-track manner. Before drawing anything, we need to know that alltracks should be first created by circos.trackPlotRegion() or, for short,circos.track(), then the low-level functions can be added afterwards. Justthink in the base R graphic engine, you need first call plot() then you canuse functions such as points() and lines() to add graphics. Since x-rangesfor cells in the track have already been defined in the initialization step,here we only need to specify the y-range for each cell. The y-ranges can bespecified by y argument as a numeric vector (so that y-range will beautomatically extracted and calculated in each cell) or ylim argument as avector of length two. In principle, y-ranges should be same for all cells in asame track. (See Figure 1.2)

circos.track(df$sectors, y = df$y, = function(x, y) { circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter,  CELL_META$cell.ylim[2] + mm_y(5),  CELL_META$sector.index) circos.axis(labels.cex = 0.6)})col = rep(c("#FF0000", "#00FF00"), 4)circos.trackPoints(df$sectors, df$x, df$y, col = col, pch = 16, cex = 0.5)circos.text(-1, 0.5, "text", sector.index = "a", track.index = 1)

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (2)

Figure 1.2: First example of circlize, add the first track.

Axes for the circular plot are normally drawn on the most outside of thecircle. Here we add axes in the first track by putting circos.axis() insidethe self-defined function (see the code above). circos.track()creates plotting region in a cell-by-cell manner and the isactually executed immediately after the plotting region for a certain cell iscreated. Thus, actually means adding graphics in the “currentcell” (Usage of is further discussed in Section 2.7).Without specifying any arguments, circos.axis() draws x-axeson the top of each cell (or the outside of each cell).

Also, we add sector name outside the first track by using circos.text().CELL_META provides “meta information” for the current cell. There areseveral parameters which can be retrieved by CELL_META. All its usage isexplained in Section 2.7. In above code, the sector names aredrawn outside the cells and you may see warning messages saying data pointsexceeding the plotting regions. That is total fine and no worry about it. Youcan also add sector names by creating an empty track without borders as thefirst track and add sector names in it (like whatcircos.initializeWithIdeogram() and chordDiagram() do, after you go throughfollowing chapters).

When specifying the position of text on the y direction, an offset ofmm_y(5) (5mm) is added to the y position of the text. In circos.text(), x and yvalues are measured in the data coordinate (the coordinate in cell), and thereare some helper functions that convert absolute units to corresponding valuesin data coordinate. Section2.8.2 provides more information of converting units indifferent coordinates.

After the track is created, points are added to the first track bycircos.trackPoints(). circos.trackPoints() simply adds points in all cellssimultaneously. As further explained in Section 3.2, it can bereplaced by putting circos.text() in, however,circos.trackPoints() would be more convenient if only the points are neededto put in the cells (but I don’t really recommend). It is quite straightforward to understand that thisfunction needs a categorical variable (df$sectors), values on x directionand y direction (df$x and df$y).

Low-level functions such as circos.text() can also be used as shown in above code. If so, sector.index and track.indexneed to be specified explicitly because the “current” sector and “current”track may not be what you want. If the graphics are directly added to thetrack which are most recently created, track.index can be ommitted becausethis track is just marked as the “current” track.

OK, now we add histograms to the second track. Here circos.trackHist() is ahigh-level function which means it creates a new track (as you can imagin hist()is also a high-level function). bin.size is explicitly set so that the binsize for histograms in all cells are the same and can be compared to eachother. (See Figure 1.3)

bgcol = rep(c("#EFEFEF", "#CCCCCC"), 4)circos.trackHist(df$sectors, df$x, bin.size = 0.2, bg.col = bgcol, col = NA)

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (3)

Figure 1.3: First example of circlize, add the second track.

In the third track and in, we randomly picked 10 data points ineach cell, sort them by x-values and connect them with lines. In followingcode, when sectors (the first unnamed argument), x and y arguments are set incircos.track(), x values and y values are split by df$sectors andcorresponding subset of x and y values are sent to’s x and y arguments. Thus, x an y in areexactly the values in the “current” cell. (See Figure1.4)

circos.track(df$sectors, x = df$x, y = df$y, = function(x, y) { ind = sample(length(x), 10) x2 = x[ind] y2 = y[ind] od = order(x2) circos.lines(x2[od], y2[od])})

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (4)

Figure 1.4: First example of circlize, add the third track.

Now we go back to the second track and update the cell in sector “d.”This is done by circos.updatePlotRegion() or the short versioncircos.update(). The function erases graphics which have been added.circos.update() can not modify the xlim and ylim of the cell as well asother settings related to the position of the cell. circos.update() needsto explicitly specify the sector index and track index unless the “current”cell is what you want to update. After the calling of circos.update(),the “current” cell is redirected to the cell you just specified and youcan use low-level graphic functions to add graphics directly into it.(See Figure 1.5)

circos.update(sector.index = "d", track.index = 2,  bg.col = "#FF8080", bg.border = "black")circos.points(x = -2:2, y = rep(0.5, 5), col = "white")circos.text(CELL_META$xcenter, CELL_META$ycenter, "updated", col = "white")

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (5)

Figure 1.5: First example of circlize, update the second track.

Next we continue to create new tracks. Although we have gone back to thesecond track, when creating a new track, the new track is still created afterthe track which is most inside. In this new track, we add heatmaps bycircos.rect(). Note here we haven’t set the input data, while simply setylim argument because heatmaps just fill the whole cell from the most leftto right and from bottom to top. Also the exact value of ylim is notimportant and x, y in are not used (actually they are bothNULL). (See Figure 1.6)

circos.track(ylim = c(0, 1), = function(x, y) { xlim = CELL_META$xlim ylim = CELL_META$ylim breaks = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = 0.1) n_breaks = length(breaks) circos.rect(breaks[-n_breaks], rep(ylim[1], n_breaks - 1), breaks[-1], rep(ylim[2], n_breaks - 1), col = rand_color(n_breaks), border = NA)})

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (6)

Figure 1.6: First example of circlize, add the fourth track.

In the most inside of the circle, links or ribbons are added. There can be linksfrom single point to point, point to interval or interval to interval. Section 3.12gives detailed usage of links. (See Figure 1.7)"a", 0, "b", 0, h = 0.4)"c", c(-0.5, 0.5), "d", c(-0.5,0.5), col = "red", border = "blue", h = 0.2)"e", 0, "g", c(-1,1), col = "green", border = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2)

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (7)

Figure 1.7: First example of circlize, add links.

Finally we need to reset the graphic parameters and internal variables, sothat it will not mess up your next plot.

Chapter 1 Introduction | Circular Visualization in R (2024)


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