AEW Double or Nothing Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights for May 29, 2022 (2024)

AEW’s Double Or Nothing pay-per-view is going down tonight and Ringside News has got you covered with live results coverage.

The main show will kick off at 8:00 PM and match by match coverage of the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions from the show in the comment below. The card for tonight is as follows:

  • AEW World Championship: Hangman Page vs. CM Punk
  • MJF vs. Wardlow
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals: Samoa Joe vs. Adam Cole
  • Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals: Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Ruby Soho
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb
  • AEW World Tag Team Championships: Jurassic Express vs. Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland vs. Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks
  • TBS Championship: Jade Carghill vs. Anna Jay
  • Anarchy In The Arena: Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kinston, Santana & Ortiz
  • Young Bucks vs. The Hardys
  • Trios Match: Death Triangle vs. House Of Black
  • Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page & Paige VanZant vs. Sammy Guevara, Kazarian & Tay Conti
  • Darby Allin vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Commentary welcomes us to the show, they introduce the German announce team and throw to a draft kings sponsor.

MJF’s music hits! Eventually, the man himself walks out in a fancy robe. “Asshole” chants. No references to this weekends drama so far. Wardlow is shown handcuffed in a holding cell, security escort him to the arena. A huge reaction as Wardlow walks out onto the stage. Wardlow is uncuffed from 2 sets of handcuffs before entering the ring. MJF leaves the ring as Wardlow enters. “f*ck him up” chants to Wardlow.



MJF vs. Wardlow

MJF gets in the ring momentarily before escaping as Wardlow charges. “He showed up” chants. MJF attacks Wardlow from behind to little effect. Wardlow goes for a Powerbomb but MJF escapes. MJF runs from Wardlow. MJF goes for a sun set flip but Wardlow blocks then goes for a Powerbomb but MJF bites him to escape. MJF with right hands which Wardlow no sells. MJF hits an eye poke.

“f*ck You, MJF” chants, MJF hits a Hurricanrana off a Powerbomb, roll up, 2 count. MJF feigns an injury to “Bullsh*t” chants. MJF pulls out the diamond ring but the ref sees it and take it off him. Wardlow bears down on MJF, MJF tries to talk his way out of a beatdown and offers a handshake. MJF says he’ll double Wardlow’s pay. Wardlow shakes… then doesn’t let go, smiles, kicks MJF in the gut, then hits a Powerbomb!

Powerbomb Symphony incoming… Wardlow hits a second Powerbomb. A 3rd Powerbomb, a 4th, a 5th, Wardlow stands on MJF’s chest to cover, 1, 2, Wardlow takes his foot off MJF. Wardlow hits a 6th Powerbomb, a 7th, an 8th, a 9th, a 10th! Wardlow stands on MJF’s chest to cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Wardlow!

Doctors check on MJF and bring out a stretcher. they put MJF on the stretcher to “You Deserve It” chants.

Tony Schiavone interviews Wardlow on the stage. Schiavone says Tony Khan as officially signed Wardlow to an AEW contract. Wardlow is officially #AllElite! “You Deserve It” chants. Wardlow thanks the fans off mic.

Video package for Elite vs. Delete. The Young Bucks come out to a special Vegas style entrance sung by an Elvis impersonator before making their proper entrance wearing Elvis style attire. Caprice Coleman has joined commentary. The Hardys make their entrance next.

Young Bucks vs. The Hardys

Both teams stare each other down, the Hardys shout Delete, the Bucks chants Elite. Matt Hardy and Matt Jackson lock up, clean break. Matt Hardy wrings the arm, Matt Jackson gets a rollup, 2 count. Matt Hardy with elbows in the corner, Jeff Hardy tags in, Nick Jackson tags in. Lock up, Jeff gets a headlock, shoulder tackle, Nick with a kick to the gut, shoulder tackle and mocks Jeff’s dance. Jeff trips Nick, back elbows, Nick escapes the ring. The Hardy’s mock the Bucks pose then clothesline Nick out of the ring.

Matt Hardy tags in, Nick gets out of the ring and pushes Brandon Cutler. Matt Hardy with a clothesline to Matt Jackson. Matt Hardy with a suplex then tags Jeff. The Hardys with a double front suplex, Jeff goes for Poetry In Motion but Nick hits a high kick. Nick with a Superkick to Matt Hardy. Matt Jackson mocks Matt Hardy while beating down Jeff, Nick Jackson tags in, stomps on Jeff. Jeff with a double clothesline to the Bucks.

Brandon Cutler trips Matt Hardy, Nick with stomps to Jeff. forearm, Nick goes for the Whisper in the Wind but Jeff moves, Jeff then hits his own Whisper in the Wind, Matt Hardy tags in, elbows to Nick, then bashes Nicks head into the turnbuckle, then does the same to Matt. Then the same to Cutler. Mate Hardy with the Side Effect to Nick, cover, 2 count. Nick escapes a Twist of Fate and pushes Matt out of the ring. Nick with a running kick to Matt, Jeff gives Nick the finger, Nick hits an X Factor, flips out of the ring then Matt Hardy hits a clothesline.

Nick with a senton to both Hardys on the outside. Back in the ring, Nick with shots to Matt on the mat. Matt Hardy asks for more then Nick hits a running knee. The bucks hit Risky Business, cover, 2 count. Nick accidentally hits a running knee on his brother, then accidentally hits Cutler. Matt Hardy with a back body drop on the outside, then Jeff hits a senton, Matt hits a Side Effect on the apron! Back in the ring, Jeff tags in, the Hardys hit Poetry In Motion. Nick hits a stomp on Matt Hardy, Jeff hits a jawbreaker on the top rope, then takes off his shirt and goes for a Swanton but Matt Jackson moves out of the way. Matt Jackson hits a Twist of Fate, Nick hits a Swanton Bomb, cover, 2 count!

“This is Awesome” chants. Jeff escapes the BTE trigger but the Bucks hit double Superkicks to both Hardys. Matt Hardy shouts at his brother to get up, then the Bucks hit rapid Superkicks to both Hardys. Matt gets up and spits at the Bucks, then the Bucks hit double Superkicks to both Hardys, cover, the Hardys emphatically kicks out at 2.

The Bucks set up the steel steps on the outside, Matt Hardy hits a BT Bomb on Matt Jackson. Jeff places Nick on the steel steps then climbs to the top rope… Jeff hits a Swanton off the top rope onto the steel steps on the outside, Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Matt Jackson in the ring, cover, 1, 2, kick out! Nick with a backslide, 2 count. Matt Hardy hits a side Effect, then a Twist of Fate, Jeff climbs to the top, then hits a Swanton Bomb, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: The Hardys!

The Hardys celebrate in the crowd and in the ring.

Video package of the Acclaimed and the Gunn Club in Vegas. Up next, the TBS Championship match. Anna Jay makes her entrance, wearing her old school attire. Jade Carghill makes her entrance with a Vegas showgirls behind her. Red Velvet and Kiera Hogan are in the baddie section in the front row.

TBS Championship: Jade Carghill vs. Anna Jay

Lock up, Carghill with knees in the corner, Jay with a high boot, Carghill catches a crossbody and hits a fall away slam then kips up. Carghill with uppercuts, snap suplex, another kip up. Carghill with a lariat, Carghill with a Double Axe Handle from the top. Carghill with strikes in the corner, running back elbow, Jay hits a Superplex! Jay with a back elbow, a boot, a roundhouse kick. Jay climbs to the top, and botches a flying something…

Jay throws Carghill into the steel steps on the outside. Hogan and Red Velvet attack Jay on the outside but Jay hits them with a double DDT, back in the ring Carghill hits a thrust kick, Jay reverse the Jaded into a cover, 2 count. Sterling runs down with a crutch, distracts the ref and throws the crutch into the ring, Jay gets the crutch and hits a Russian Leg Sweep with the crutch, cover, 2 count. Jon Silver runs down and hits Sterling with a Brainbuster on the outside. In the ring Carghill hits the Eye of the Storm, cover, 2 count.

Jay reverses the Jaded into the Queenslayer, Carghill powers out into the corner. Jay and Jade brawl in the corner, Stokely Hathaway (formerly Malcom Bivens) walks down the ramp, distracting Jay, Carghill hits the Jaded off the middle rope, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” TBS Champion, Jade Carghill!

The Baddies attack Jay after the bell. Kris Statlander runs down to protect Jay. Statlander faces down Jade. then unknown music hits and then out comes “The Fallen Goddess, Athena! (formerly Ember Moon). Athena, Statlander and Anna Jay face down Carghill and the Baddies.

Video package for Forbidden Door.

The lights cut out and House of Black make their entrance. Death Triangle are out next, Pac is wearing a half Penta/half Fenix mask, Alex Abrahantes and Penta’s son are out there with Death Triangle.

Trios Match: Death Triangle vs. House Of Black

Black and Fenix start, Black wrings the arm, Fenix escapes. Fenix escapes a German, Black with strikes, Fenix with a hurricanrana, Black goes for Black Mass but Fenix sits cross-legged to dodge. Black then sits cross legged. Buddy tags in, Fenix with a trust kick, Penta tags in, Buddy throws him out of the ring. Buddy with combo kicks, Penta with kicks of his own then a big trust kick. Penta with a hurricanrana sending Buddy out of the ring.

Pac with a blind tag then King tags in, King with hard strikes, chops in the corner, Pac gets a high boot, King throws him off the top rope, Fenix dives but King catches him with a right hand. King goes for a dive but then all 6 men face off. A huge brawl breaks out. Black with a boot to Pac, King wipes him out. Fenix with a stomp to King, Black with strikes to Fenix. Penta hits a Slingblade, Buddy with a Meteora.

Pac with a Poisonrana to Buddy. Pac and King trade blows, King with a Bossman Slam, Black tags in, knees to the midsection, into a headlock. Buddy with a senton, cover, 2 count. Pac dodges a King cannonball in the corner. Fenix tags in, he runs wild on Black and Buddy. Lucha Bros with combo kicks, then a double dive to the outside. Death Triangle with a triple splash to King, cover, 2 count.

Fenix with a dropkick to King, Buddy blocks a Tope Suicida and hits a Brainbuster on the floor. Pac with a dive to the outside, Black with a Moonsault off the top rope, Penta then hits a Tope to Black. King (just about) hits a dive to the outside, bashing his head on the apron.

House of Black hit Dante’s Inferno on Fenix, cover, Pac and Penta break the count. Death Triangle with strikes in all 3 corners, triple Superkicks, Pac with a Brainbuster to Black, cover, 2 count as Buddy breaks the count. Penta his a Destroyer on the apron, Lucha Bros hit a DDT/Stomp to the outside on King. Death Triangle surround Black, combo Superkicks, Black hits a Black Mass to Penta, then hits one to Fenix, Pac hits an enziguri, kick to Buddy, then hits a 450 to Black. German to Buddy, then throws him to the outside.

Pac with a German to Black, Pac hits a Low Blow to Black, climbs to the top then goes for the Black Arrow, the lights cut out… Julia Hart appears and Black Mists Pac, Black hits him with Black Mass, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: House of Black!

Julia Hart has officially joined House of Black.

Owen Hart video package. Adam Cole makes his entrance, wearing pink attire. On the stage there is a Trophy and 2 covered belts. Samoa Joe is out next. Mike Chioda is our referee.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals: Samoa Joe vs. Adam Cole

Lock up, clean break. Cole goes for a test of strength, Joe with a right hand, strikes in the corner. Joe with chops in the corner, headbutt, “Joe’s gonna kill you” chants. Joe with an enziguri in the corner. running back elbow sends Cole out of the ring. Joe with chops against the barricade, Cole hits a Superkick, then throws Joe shoulder first into the apron. Cole then throws Joe shoulder first into the ring post.

Cole with crossfaces to Joe in the ring. Joe returns fire with jabs. Cole twists Joe’s arm in the ropes. Cole with an armbreaker, Joe blocks Panama Sunrise then drops Cole on his knees. Cole with an enziguri, Joe hits a Uranage. Joe with jabs, atomic drop, running boot, senton, cover, 2 count. Joe with a Powerslam, cover, 2 count.

Joes shoulder gives out but he hits a big lariat, cover, 2 count. Cole with a high knee, cover, 2 count. Cole hits a backstabber, cover, 2 count. Cole with a crossface, Joe gets his foot to the ropes. Joe blocks a superkick and hits a Powerbomb, then transitions into an STF. Cole gets to the ropes. Fish runs down an attacks Joe, Cole with a superkick, lowers the kneepad, Joe ducks under the Boom and locks in the Clutch, Joe with an elbow to Fish, chop to Cole.

Cole with Superkicks, then hits the Boom to the back of the head, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Adam Cole!

Another Forbidden Door video package. Baker vs. Soho video package. Britt Baker makes her entrance, Rich Ward from Fozzy plays her out, Rebel and Hayter join her on the stage. Justin Roberts introduces the band Rancid who play out Ruby Soho.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals: Dr Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Ruby Soho

Lock up, duelling chants from the crowd, break in the corner. Baker with a wristlock, forearms, Soho wrings the arm, Soho sent face first into the corner, Soho holds onto the arm. Baker with a knee to the gut. Baker with forearms, kicks in the corner, Soho with an armdrag, clothesline, high knee, Baker escapes the ring.

Soho hits a shotgun dropkick to the outside. Baker throws Soho into the barricade, Soho hits a suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Baker drops Soho on the turnbuckle, stomps, Baker throws Soho ribs first into the ring post. Soho with chops, Baker with a Russian Leg Sweep into an armbar. Baker with elbows to the injured ribs, Soho with chops, Baker with an elbow strike.

Soho hits a Superplex but hurts her own injured ribs. Strikes back and forth, both women down. Baker blocks the No Future but hits a thrust kick, Soho with a high kick, Saito Suplex, Senton Bombs Away, cover, 2 count. Baker drops Soho off the top rope, hits the Stomp, cover, 2 count. Baker gets the glove, Soho blocks the Lockjaw, into a cover, 2 count. Soho hits No Future, then locks in a Sharpshooter! Baker tries to get to the ropes but Soho drags her to the middle of the ring, then Baker eventually gets to the ropes.

Soho with a boot, Baker with a victory roll, Soho reverses into a pin, Baker reverse that into her own pin, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Brit Baker!

Baker shakes Soho’s hand. Baker walks to the stage, hugs Schiavone, Cole comes out and kisses Baker. Schiavone introduces Martha Hart. Tony Khan escorts Martha Hart to the stage. “Owen” chants. Martha says thank you so much for the warm welcome. “Thank you Martha” chants. Martha talks about Owen, about how we can celebrate him in the squared circle. She thanks Tony Khan, Chris Jericho, Dark Side of the Ring, the AEW crew, Pro Wrestling Tees, the legal teams, her kids, the Foundation committee and the fans for making this possible. Congratulations to Cole and Baker, the cup is yours to enjoy until we meet again. Next year everybody must wear a beautiful hat like hers. Martha hands Cole the Owen Hart championship belt, then hands Baker the other Owen Hart belt. “DMD” chants. Martha then lifts the Owen Hart trophy. Baker and Cole raise their belts high.

Commentary runs down everything that has happened so far tonight.

Men of the Year make their way to the ring, accompanied by Dan Lambert, Paige VanZant then comes out with them. Frankie Kazarian makes his entrance next holding a stolen American top Team belt. Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti maker their entrance together, wearing matching Maleficent attire.

Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page & Paige VanZant vs. Sammy Guevara, Kazarian & Tay Conti

Sky and Kaz start, Guevara tags in, Page tags in. Page with strikes, back elbow, more strikes on the mat. Guevara reverses Egos Edge into a hurricanrana, into a corkscrew dropkick. Page with a Powerslam, cover, 2 count. Sky tags in, Kaz tags in. Sky with armdrags, combo kicks, Sky with a dropkick. Kaz with a body slam, springboard leg drop, Guevara tags in. Guevara showboats, Sky hits knees in the corner, more strikes, Sky with a high boot, Conti rakes Sky’s back.

Guevara with a springboard cutter, Guevara and Conti hit a double suplex, cover, 1 count. Kaz tags in, forearms to Sky, chops in the corner, Russian Leg Sweep, headlock, chops, Kaz fights off Men of the Year, Sky hits a Flatliner. Conti runs in and hits a cheap shot on VanZant. Kaz wants a tag but Guevara and Conti are celebrating. Kaz with a headlock to Sky. Guevara tags in, struts along the apron. Guevara and Kaz argue.

Sky tags in VanZant! Conti gets in, slap to VanZant, VanZant with a takedown, elbow strikes, clotheslines, back suplex, handspring back elbow, Guevara saves Conti. VanZant with a shot to Guevara’s gut, Tornado DDT to Guevara! VanZant with a drop toe hold, sending Conti into Guevara’s crotch. VanZant with a Michinoku Driver, cover, 2 count. Conti with a judo throw, running boot in the corner, thrust kick, cover, 2 count.

Conti hits a Facebuster then kisses Guevara. Page, Sky and VanZant corner them, Kaz leaves them to get beat down. Page with a big shoulder tackle to Guevara, Sky with a big cutter, Kaz hits a DDT, tags himself in, cutter to Sky, cover, 2 count. Conti argues with Kaz. Guevara goes to superkick Kaz but he ducks and Guevara superkick Conti! Page with a roundhouse kick to Kaz, Sky hits the TKO, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky & Paige VanZant!

Dan Lambert gets his belts back as he celebrates with Men of the Year and Paige VanZant.

Kyle O’Reilly makes his entrance. Darby Allin is out next.

Darby Allin vs. Kyle O’Reilly

O’Reilly with a big knee strike, palm strikes, armbreaker, Darby gets to the ropes. O’Reilly with more knee strikes, Darby with elbows, O’Reilly with more kicks, a back sweep drops Darby to the mat. O’Reilly with a running knee to the back, dragon sleeper into a suplex, cover, 2 count. O’Reilly with kicks, Darby with elbows, O’Reilly with a running knee, Darby with a running low dropkick. Darby hits Code Red, cover, 2 count.

Darby with a front Chancery, O’Reilly escapes but Darby hits the Scorpion Death Drop. O’Reilly catches the Coffin Splash, Darby with knees, O’Reilly with a rolling forearm, Darby hits a Stunner, O’Reilly spills to the outside. Darby hits a rolling suicide dive to the outside! Darby hits another Tope to the outside, O’Reilly catches it into a Dragon Sleeper.

Darby rolls into the Last Supper, 2 count. Darby with an Inside Cradle, 2 count. O’Reilly hits a Brainbuster, cover, 2 count. O’Reilly into an Armbar, transitions into a Legbar, Darby transitions into a Scorpion Death Lock, O’Reilly gets to the ropes. Darby with a Dragonscrew in the ropes, then a Coffin Drop on the apron. Darby with the Coffin Drop in the ring, O’Reilly catches him into an Armbar, Darby rolls up into a cover, 2 count.

Elbows back and forth, O’Reilly with kicks, Darby with palm strikes, Darby with a headbutt sends both men down. O’Reilly with a palm strike, O’Reilly traps Darby chain in his mouth, into a sleeper, Penalty Kick, cover, 1, count. Another Penalty Kick, cover, 2 count. O’Reilly with a 3rd Penalty Kick, then a diving knee drop, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: Kyle O’Reilly!

Video package for the Women’s Championship. Serena Deeb makes her entrance. The AEW Women’s World Champion, Thunder Rosa is out next.

AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb

Lock up, evenly matched, break in the corner. Lock up, Rosa gets a headlock, Deeb reverse into an armbar. Rosa bridges out, Deeb with a headlock takeover, Rosa escapes, evenly matched once again. Test of Strength, Rosa gets the upperhand, Deeb’s shoulder are down, 2 count. Deeb bridges out, cover, 2 count. Deeb with a Koji Clutch, Rosa covers, 2 count. Rosa with a Surfboard submission, a pendulum, into a cover, 2 count.

Rosa with armdrags, cover, 2 count. both women lock elbows, Rosa with an uppercut. Rosa with a dropkick sends Deeb to the outside. Rosa misses a baseball slide, Deeb drops Rosa on the ropes then throws Rosa into the ring post. Deeb with a neckbreaker on the ropes. Deeb with a swinging neckbreaker, cover, 2 count. Deeb with uppercuts, Deeb with a Gory Special, Rosa drops to the mat.

Deeb with an abdominal stretch, Rosa powers out, Deeb with an uppercut, strikes back and forth, Rosa with a big lariat, body slam, Deeb whipped hard into the turnbuckle. Rosa with a clothesline in the corner, double knees, running dropkick, Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count. Both women trade holds, Deeb gets an Octopus, Rosa escapes, Deeb with a back elbow, Deeb with a flipping DDT, cover, 2 count.

Rosa with a Russian Leg Sweep into a Crossface, Deeb reverses into a cover, 2 count. Deeb gets a Stretch Muffler, Rosa smashes Deeb’s knee to the mat. Double clothesline sends both women down. Rosa with a double foot stomp, into a Death Valley Driver, cover, 2 count. Deeb sweeps the leg, into a Figure 4. Slaps back and forth in the Figure 4, both women spill to the outside, breaking the hold.

Back in the ring, Deeb with a Dragon Screw in the ropes. Deeb hits the Deebtox, cover, 2 count as Rosa gets to the ropes. Deeb gets the Serenity Lock, Powerbomb, then locks in a Cloverleaf. Rosa gets to the ropes, Rosa with a roundhouse kick, but misses a running knee in the corner. Rosa with headbutts in the top rope, then hits a Superplex, Rosa floats over then hits the Fire Thunder Driver, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW Women’s World Champion, Thunder Rosa!

Anarchy in the Arena video package.

Justin Roberts introduces the next by by saying “sh*t’s about to go down.” The JAS make their entrance, they are all wearing matching white gear. Moxley’s music hits first, bringing out Moxley, Danielson, Kingston, Santana and Ortiz from the crowd.

Anarchy In The Arena: Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Eddie Kinston, Santana & Ortiz

The JAS run into the crowd to cut them off. Jericho and Danielson, and everybody else brawl in the crowd while “Wild Thing” keeps playing. It is anarchy as all 10 men are throwing each other around different parts of the arena. Moxley with a Suplex on the cement, Danielson with right hands to Manard, Moxley with a fork to Manard. Jericho tries to leave but Kingston cuts hi off. Santana with a suplex on the floor. Jericho jabs Kinston in the eye. Danielson and Ang brawl in the upper deck.

Jericho tries to escape on a electronic wheelchair. The music is still going. Santana and Ortiz with a double suplex in the ring to Hager. Moxley has been busted open, Jericho and Moxley brawl in the crowd, Jericho smashes the soundboard over Moxley head, cutting the music. Kingston brawls into the concourse with Hager. Almost everybody is bleeding at this point. Santana and Ortiz send Hager through at table at ringside.

Moxley used a camera crane to take out Jericho. Kingston and Manard are brawling through mustard in the concourse. Danielson and Ang take out a camera on the upper deck. Santana Piledriver to Hager on the apron. Manard thrown into a merch stand. Kingston destroys a merch stand. Moxley with a flying knee to Jericho in the crowd. Ang hits Danielson with the ring bell. Jericho suplexes Moxley into a row of chairs.

Moxley throws a cooler at Jericho. Garcia drags Kingston through the backstage area, trading blows, Garcia chokes Kingston with his belt, dragging him across the floor. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho on the Timekeepers table before it collapses. Garcia throws Kingston into the backstage wall. Moxley with a Figure 4 to Jericho on the ramp. Danielson and Hager brawl at ringside. Danielson with kicks to Hager against the barricade. Moxley unscrews the turnbuckle. Hager suplexes Danielson on the ramp.

Moxley has unhooked the top rope, smashing Jericho in the gut with the turnbuckle, then crotches Jericho with the turnbuckle pole. Kingston and Garcia have brawling into an elevator, Moxley whips Jericho with the top rope. “This is Awesome” chants. Moxley sets up a table at ringside. Santana drops Hager on the barricade. Jericho hits Moxley with a chair.

Santana and Ortiz set up a ladder in the crowd. Moxley with a Regal knee to Jericho on a chair. Moxley gets a barbed wire board from under the ring. Santana and Ortiz climbs the ladder in the crowd, then splash Ang and Manard through the tables. Jericho shoots a fire extinguisher at Moxley.

Jericho, Hager, Moxley and Danielson crawl into the ring. All 4 men trade blows, which breaks down into a huge brawl in the ring. Danielson with a sleeper to Jericho, Moxley and Danielson with hammer and anvil elbows to Hager and Jericho, Danielson with a LeBell Lock, Moxley and a Bulldog Choke…

Kingston walks out covered in blood holding a can of gasoline! Kingston pours the gasoline over Danielson and Jericho. Kingston and Danielson brawl as Moxley tries to break it up. Moxley gets hit by Kingston, Jericho hits them with a chair, Hager throws Moxley into a barbwire board at ringside but the table doesn’t break. Jericho hits the Judas Effect on Kingston. Jericho hits Danielson with the turnbuckle, cover, 2 count!

Danielson fights off Jericho and Hager, Yes kicks in the corner to Hager, Busaiku Knee to Hager, then the knee to Jericho while he was holding a chair, cover, 2 count! Danielson with kicks to Jericho, then he screams he will kick his f*cking head in. Hager takes out Danielson with Floyd the bat. Jericho locks in the Walls while Hager strangles Danielson with the top rope, the ref calls it as Danielson passes out!

WINNER: The Jericho Appreciation Society!

Andrade El Idolo is backstage, he says he hates the AFO. He has a new business partner, the top wrester in the world, one of the best, a knock on the door… out walks Rush! They fist bump and Andrade says “Welcome to AEW!”

American Top Team are backstage. Page says he feels great, he is finally done with those pieces of trash. They are moving on to better things. Who is next? Who has what it takes? Dante Martin walks in. Martin says he want to challenge for the belt. Sky says Dante isn’t ready but he will give him a shot.

Team Taz make their entrance, accompanied by Taz, Taz joins commentary. Swerve and Keith Lee make their entrance next. The AEW World Tag Team Champions, Jurassic Express, are out last, accompanied by Christian Cage.

AEW World Tag Team Championships: Jurassic Express vs. Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland vs. Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks

Team Taz beat down the other early. Swerve and Starks brawl on the outside. Jurassic Express hit double moonsault tot he outside. Jungle Boy with a flying elbow from the top to Starks, cover, 2 count. Swerve with a hurricanrana, Hobbs tags in, huge clothesline to Swerve.

Keith Lee tags in, Swerve and Lee with a rolling elbow/enziguri, Lee with shots in the corner, Swerve with a high boot. Jack-knife cover, 2 count. Jungle Boy tags in, hurricanrana to Swerve, Tope Suicida to Lee on the outside, then again to Swerve, then another one to Lee but Lee catches him and Powerbombs him onto Luchasaurus.

Hobbs tags in, delayed suplex to Jungle Boy. Hobbs with elbow strikes to Jungle Boy, Starks tags in, stomps, backbreaker. Starks showboats, struts on the top rope before Jungle Boy crotches him. Hobbs tags in, Jungle Boy with an enziguri. Swerve tags in, running elbow strikes to Hobbs. Swerve with a flying uppercut, Starks powerbombs onto the floor, landing right on his head. Swerve vaults off Lee with a moonsault onto Starks and Jungle Boy.

Swerve with a hurricanrana to Hobbs. Lee picks up Hobbs easily, Hobbs get to the top rope, Superplex to Swerve. Luchasaurus tags in and runs wild. Clothesline to Starks and Hobbs, taking out everybody. Luchasaurus with a boot to Hobbs. Leith Lee tags in. Luchasaurus, Hobbs and Lee face off. All 3 men trade blows, Luchasaurus with a tail whip to both men. Lee and Hobbs with a double chokeslam to Luchasaurus.

Lee suplexes Hobbs out of the ring then hits a Tope Suicida to the outside! Lee and Luchasaurus trade blows in the ring, Luchasaurus hits a Samoan Drop to Lee, cover, 2 count. Both men trade blows before collapsing, Hobbs comes off the top to hit a double neckbreaker to Lee and Luchasaurus. Starks and Jungle Boy tag in, Stark goes for a dirty pin but Christian blocks it. Hobbs throws Cage into the steel steps. Jungle Boy with a Tope Suicida to Hobbs. Starks hits a Spear to Jungle Boy, cover, 2 count.

Starks hits Roshambo to Jungle Boy, cover, 2 count as Swerve breaks the count. Hobbs with a Spinebuster to Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus accidentally hits a boot to Jungle Boy. Lee and Swerve hits a Pwoerbomb/Stomp, cover, 1, 2, Hobbs breaks the count. Hobbs and Lee trade blows, Starks hits Lee with the FTW title, Hobbs crashes to the outside as Swerve moves out of the way of a Spear. Cage blocks Starks cheating again, Swerve with a roll up to Jungle Boy, 2 count.

Swerve misses a stomp, Swerve blocks a Poisonrana, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus hit Thoracic Express, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And Still” AEW World Tag Team Champions, Jurassic Express!

Christian Cage lifts Jungle Boy on his shoulders in celebration.

Video package for the AEW World Championship. Cult of Personality hits to bring out CM Punk. The AEW World Champion, Hangman Page makes his entrance next. Punk hugs a child at ringside. Justin Roberts makes the official ring introductions. Huge “CM Punk” chants, boos for Hangman Page.

AEW World Championship: Hangman Page vs. CM Punk

Both men go face to face, Punk pushes Page. Page pushes back, lock up, Page powered into the ropes. Lock up, Punk powered to the corner. Lock up, Punk with a chop in the corner. Face to face once again, Page with a chop, Punk chops back, Punk gets a headlock, break in the corner. Duelling chants from the crowd. Lock up, Punk with a shoulder tackle, Page with a forearm. Chops back and forth, Punk with stomps in the corner.

Punk with a headlock, Page escapes into the corner, back elbow, more elbows, then stomps from Page. Page with chops, Punk chops back, Page whipped hard into the turnbuckle. Punk with a shot to the midsection, Russian Leg Sweep, cover, 2 count. Punk with a bodyslam, another body slam, more body slams. Punk with a crossbody, Page catches him and rolls through, fall away slam. Page with a crossbody to the outside.

Page throws Punk into the barricade. Page grinds Punk’s head onto the steel steps. Page savours the reaction from the crowd. Both men trade blows, Page with a rolling elbow. Page with chops in the corner, Punk whipped hard into the corner. Page with a big lariat then sets up the Buckshot… Punk sees it coming and knocks Page off the apron.

Page Powerbombs Punk onto the apron. Page goes to the top and hits a flying lariat, cover, 2 count. Page throws Punk to the outside, he climbs to the top, Punk follows and hits a Superplex. Forearms back and forth, Punk gets the upperhand, leg lariat, rising knee in the corner, into the bulldog. Punk with the springboard clothesline, goes for a Sharpshooter but Page blocks, Page escapes the GTS but Punk hits a neckbreaker, cover, 2 count.

Page knocks Punk off the top rope and he falls to the outside. Page goes to the top and hits a Moonsault to the outside. Page may have injured his knee on that moonsault. Page sets up the Buckshot, Punk catches him in a Sharpshooter, Page gets to the ropes. Page favours his knee. Punk sets up the Punkshot, but trips. Page goes for the GTS, Punk escapes, Page with boots to the face.

Punk with a roundhouse kick, but hits the Punkshot, more or less, cover, 2 count. Punk gestures for the GTS. Page escapes, Page catches a rising knee and hits a Powerbomb, then Page hits the Deadeye, cover, 1, 2, kick out! Page gestures for the GTS… Punk gets to the ropes, roundhouse kick, Page hits the GTS! Page covers, 1, 2, kick out!

Both men trade blows, Punk with a kick to the injured knee, Punk gets the upperhand but Page with a boot. Punk with a boot, Page clotheslines Punk out of the ring then throws Punk into the timekeepers table. Page gets his belt and shouts this is mine. Back in the ring, Punk counters a buckshot into a GTS but the ref gets knocked down and Page escapes and hits a lariat, both men down!

Page eyes the belt as the ref is down… Page looks conflicted, will he hit Punk with the belt? Page throws the belt down and sets up a Buckshot, Punk counters and hits at GTS, cover, 1, 2, 3!

WINNER: “And New” AEW World Champion, CM Punk!

The ref hands Punk the belt as Punk has tears in his eyes. “CM Punk” chants echo through the arena as Punk lifts the title high. Punk kisses the AEW World Championship as Double or Nothing goes off the air!

AEW Double or Nothing Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights for May 29, 2022 (2024)


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